Sorry for not updating recently: I’ve been really busy with my work attachment these couple of weeks.
That is, I was busy playing Spider Solitaire :)
Anyway, I’ve developed a very bad habit of late:
I’m addicted to shopping. That initial itch to get something will somehow develop into a full-blown obsession, with me spending hours and hours at shopping centers, neighbourhood stores, and Evil Bay.
But I can’t help myself. The sense of suspense as you enter your auction bid at the dying seconds. The thrill of the kill when you get not just a Good, but a Great buy. The satisfaction when an eagerly anticipated overseas parcel arrives. The pain and agony when you realize you could have got it cheaper because of that sale that came a week too late.
B3 thinks I’m turning female. I is scared too. And when I lost at the recent bidding war, I swear I felt the cramps.
Signing off,