Possibly fictitious, Positively ridiculous, Potentially delirious

Sunday, May 28, 2006

There’s something about My Love Affairs

I lusted after Evisu, but I know I’ll never be happy with someone so flashy.

Flirted briefly with Blue Cult and True Religion, but they freaked me out by being too preachy.

Went surfing once with Tsubi, didn’t work out because I was caught ogling at Nudie.

So I had a beer with tomboy Diesel, and I know it’s a match that’s meant to be.

Signing off,

Sunday, May 21, 2006

There’s something about A Very Bad Habit

Sorry for not updating recently: I’ve been really busy with my work attachment these couple of weeks.

That is, I was busy playing Spider Solitaire :)

Anyway, I’ve developed a very bad habit of late: I’m addicted to shopping. That initial itch to get something will somehow develop into a full-blown obsession, with me spending hours and hours at shopping centers, neighbourhood stores, and Evil Bay.

But I can’t help myself. The sense of suspense as you enter your auction bid at the dying seconds. The thrill of the kill when you get not just a Good, but a Great buy. The satisfaction when an eagerly anticipated overseas parcel arrives. The pain and agony when you realize you could have got it cheaper because of that sale that came a week too late.

B3 thinks I’m turning female. I is scared too. And when I lost at the recent bidding war, I swear I felt the cramps.

Signing off,

Sunday, May 14, 2006

There's something about Happy Mother's Birthday

Today is a super duper special day because not only is it Mother's Day, it is also B3's birthday :)

So. . . .


The fact that your 21st birthday falls on Mother's Day is a high indication that you will become a mother soon :D! *Expects to get bished big time for typing the previous sentence*

To everybody else in this whole wide world: Happy Mother's Day :)

Signing off,

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

There’s something about That Very Belated Post


That was like 3 days ago.

And I’ve started my work attachment today yesterday.

Where are my holidays :(?!?!

Anyway, I swear that Hey Ya song by Outkast is jinxed. About a year and a half back, I was at another work attachment, desperately fighting for my life against the vicious Zzzzz Monster when I heard the song on the radio. Then yesterday afternoon I found myself listening to the same song on the radio and fighting the Zzzzz Monster again. Damn.

Anyway, the chicken rice uncle called me 小弟 when I was queuing up at his stall. Cheap thrill, but nonetheless I is happy sia :)

Signing off,

Thursday, May 04, 2006

There’s something about A Big Thank You For Yesterday

After months of meticulous planning, yesterday finally happened :)

A big THANKS to everyone who helped to make what happened yesterday a reality :D! I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as me and B3 did, keke :). . . .

Ok, back to my exams :P

Signing off,

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